Maroon Oriole: Unveiling the Elegance and Unique Behaviors of this Avian Marvel.KieuTrinh

Tu Anh (drum) – Maroon oriole (male), Di Linh, 5/2019


It is similar in size to the other species in the Yellowstone group (about 27 cm). Males have a black head and upper chest with white eyes, dark brown body, lighter brown tail, and black wings. The female’s whole body is lighter in color than the male, the belly is milky white with many dark stripes.


Maroon Oriole is medium sized species in Oriole group (about 27 cm). Male has black head to upper breast with white eye, dark maroon body, duller maroon tail, black wing. Female has duller plumage and whitish underparts with heavy dark streaks.


Interesting information

Interesting facts:

Tu Anh (drum) – Maroon oriole (male), Di Linh, 7/2022

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